LcAP Scholar Program

The Fayetteville Liberty Basketball Team and the Liberty City Ambassadors Program (LCAP) are thrilled to announce the first-ever Liberty City Ambassadors Scholar of the Year Award! This scholarship aims to honor students who excel in academics, community service, and extracurricular activities.

Scholarship Categories & Rewards

  • Grades 9-12

      $1,000 Cash Prize LCAP Box (Exclusive Liberty City Ambassadors apparel & merchandise)Season Tickets to the 2026 Fayetteville Liberty season Honored at the first home game!
  • Grades 6-8

      $350 Cash PrizeLCAP Box (Exclusive Liberty City Ambassadors apparel & merchandise)Season Tickets to the 2026 Fayetteville Liberty seasonHonored at the first home game!
  • Grades 1-5

      $150 Cash PrizeLCAP Box (Exclusive Liberty City Ambassadors apparel & merchandise)Season Tickets to the 2026 Fayetteville Liberty seasonHonored at the first home game!

Application Deadline: April 11, 2025

Eligibility Criteria

Enrolled in Grades 1-12

Maintain 3.5+ GPA

Community Service

Extracurricular Activités

At Fayetteville Liberty, we believe in investing in our future leaders. The Liberty City Ambassadors Scholar of the Year Award is more than a scholarship – it’s a celebration of young excellence, leadership, and dedication to making a difference.

Why This Matters?

Questions about LcAP Scholar

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